Wednesday, April 27, 2011



Commemoration of the Ancient Maritime Impressions
Since the 5th century AD, sailors Archipelago have been able to cross the Indian Ocean to reach the African continent, and still leave a real impression until now.
V to VII century BC Chinese trade depends a lot on service and product supply sailors Archipelago.
Imperium Majapahit era is civilization's heyday maritime archipelago. Nusantara sailors tracked trail to West Africa to live (no evidence of artifacts in Ghana), a step toward Europe.
Robert Dick-Read, (2005), The Panthom Voyagers: Evidence of Indonesian Settlement in Africa in Ancient Times
The spirit of the Indonesian Maritime fade when the Majapahit collapsed. In the era of Islamic Mataram oriented with the advanced agricultural land to stem the influence of the coastal kingdom of our maritime capabilities one by one began to extinction peak in the colonial era.
Marine spirit began to be revived to coincide with the Declaration of Djuanda December 13, 1957 which claimed sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia that includes the territorial waters (inland) is an integral part of the mainland. It received recognition from the UN through the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) in tahun1982.
Nautical spirit needs to be transformed into action and economic activity through BLUE REVOLUTION which manifest into the program Minapolitan

  1. Changes in thinking and orientation of the land to the maritime.
  2. Environmentally sustainable development
  3. Increased production of marine and fisheries through a program Minapolitan
  4. Improving people's income in a fair, equitable and proper.
  1. Welfare Improvement (Prosperity)
  2. Strengthening Democracy (Democracy)
  3. Enforcement Fairness (Justice)


  1. Strengthen institutional and human resources in an integrated way
  2. Managing Marine Resources and Fisheries in a sustainable manner
  3. Increasing productivity and competitiveness of knowledge-based
  4. Expanding domestic and international market access
Democracy that guarantees civil and political rights must be accompanied by a guarantee of economic rights of the people through state intervention is limited.
The market should not be walking alone so as not to bear the economic dominance and monopoly. State control is necessary for the market have social character and is called the Social Market Economy.
Region must be fully involved as a form of implementation of autonomy.

PROGRAM Minapolitan
Minapolitan is the concept of development of marine and fishery-based regions and management systems approach to the principle areas: integration, efficiency, quality, and acceleration.

REGION Minapolitan
Indonesia is divided into sub-sub-region economic development based on natural resources, geography and infrastructure.

AREA Minapolitan
Minapolitan region is the economic region consisting of centers of production and trade of marine and fishery commodities, services, housing and other related activities.

PURPOSE Minapolitan
Increase production, productivity and quality.
Increasing the income of fishermen, fish farmers and processors in a fair and equitable.
Developing Minapolitan region as a center of economic growth in the region.

Consisting of production centers and fishery-based marketing and has a high multiplier effect on the economy around.
Having a diversity of economic activities, production, trade, services, health and social issues are interrelated.
Having adequate facilities and infrastructure to support the diversity of economic activity as the withdrawal of a city.
REGIONAL COMMITMENT:  Defined regent / mayor, according to strategic planning.
LEADING COMMODITIES:  Such as shrimp, catfish, sea grass and other.
Geographic Location: L okasi strategic and natural fit.

CHAIN ​​PRODUCTION SYSTEM AND UPSTREAM and DOWNSTREAM: The existence of active centers of production such as land cultivation and fishing port.
ENVIRONMENTAL FEASIBILITY:  T o to damage the environment.  Minapolitan LOCATION AND INCREASE PRODUCTION 2009-2014, 197 locations will be set in the Regency / Municipality in all 33 provinces. 87 of them and 114 fishing-based aquaculture.  Target production increased 6% to 353% of capture fisheries and aquaculture for

First, the Green Revolution with New Guidance Program provides guidance, credit, seeds, fertilizers, in bulk and large technology for agriculture. However, because the inequality of land ownership and commercialization, small farmers (peasants) was eliminated. Green Revolution enjoyed by landlords and rich farmers (Farmers). Blue revolution must learn from this mistake.

The main target of the Blue Revolution
The strengthening of community household economy of small-scale marine fisheries with the provision of programs and the distribution of ownership of facilities and production equipment, production cost reduction, capital assistance, infrastructure development to support small and medium enterprises as well as national policy and local people's economic pros.

The main target of the Blue Revolution
Upper middle class business growing and competitive with programs such as legal and security guarantees for the sustainability of business and investment, develop strategic partnerships with small businesses, the driver of economic growth based on principles of social market economy.
Marine and fisheries sector to drive the national economy.
Read More … REVOLUTION BLUE AND Minapolitan

Monday, April 25, 2011

Macro Economy

Macroeconomic or macroeconomics is the study of the overall economy. Macroeconomics explain the economic changes that affect many households (household), companies and markets. Macro economy can be used to analyze how best to influence policy targets such as economic growth , price stability , employment and the achievement of a balance sheet is continuous.
 Origins of Macroeconomic Concepts
Until 1930 most of the economic analysis focused on industries and companies. When there is the Great Depression in the 1930s, and with the development of the concept of national income and product statistics, the field of macroeconomics began to expand. At that time, the ideas which are mainly derived from John Maynard Keynes , who uses the concept of aggregate demand to explain fluctuations between production and unemployment rates, very influential in the development of this field. Keynesianism is based on his ideas.
Analytic Approach
Traditional distinction is between two different approaches to economics: Keynesian economics, focusing on demand, and supply-side economics (or neo-classical) that focus on supply. Both of them can not walk alone, but this problem only emphasis.
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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Munajah 'balls Pride'

Divine ....
You opened the gates of freedom that continues to pursue this self
You deliver this step in the search
But this self is always restless
But this self is always searching

Divine ....
You do not get enough of giving the self that is always just picking out and ask
You continue to accompany this soul who always feels lonely and anxious
But this self is always neglected and often do not care
But this self is still just close their eyes hearts and often do not ever want to understand

Divine ....
You're always watching these steps which often betray
You always keep myself this many times reviling
But this is still too self-denying
But the self is not yet nevertheless realize

Divine ....
You are never negligent in conducting this self
You never hold grudges in any of this self-conceit
But this self is still just turn a blind eye care
But this still neglected self

Divine ....
You are always shade light on this self stupid
You do not get enough of this self-serving benevolence in which often belies
But this self is still not understood
But this self still disobeys

# # #

Divine ....
But to whom else would I have to ask, but I am someone who is always thirsty
But to whom else would I find out, while I was a lot of people who do not know the direction
Though you only stayed most liked
And only Thou who never tired guide

Divine ....
But to whom else to expect, but I am the person covered by passion
But to whom else would I complain, while I am someone who is always chestnut
In fact you only the most caring
In fact you only the most understanding

Divine ....
But to whom else would I believe, whereas I know people who do not banya
But to whom else would I lean, while those like me who often feel bothered
And only you who know me and most keep their most
And only Thou who never hard and never complained

Divine ....
But to whom else would I depend on, while I often do wrong person
But to whom else would I leave, while I often do people act
And only You are most like and accept every apology
And only You are the most spacious and always receive

Divine ....
Lift yourself on your maghfirah
Bring yourself in a place filled with bright light of thy
Until I was really close to the bounty of thy
Until I really with You
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Hit by Hurricane

Of course you can imagine how it feels in the midst of happiness, sudden storms of life come crashing, make our whole body shake and the pain is very, very, until we too asked, "Why has this happened oh Lord?" Most of what happens we can never understand what causes it. Sometimes storms of life happen without we know where they come from, we do not know how it happened like that and we feel the results are so very sore. That's what happened to a father, he is maintaining his salvation, he was caring for his car very well. until one day, she suffered a potentially fatal accident nearly claimed his life. Although it survived but had to be treated in hospital in a long time. The project is so bright, as if it were destroyed in front of the eye. Imagine a company that is reaching its peak produced results but things have been lost in an instant.

At the weight like that, his soul which kuatpun not able to accept the burden of it. His heart be asked, why all this should happen Ya Allah? Though I've tried with both for happy children and a wife? Why do you inflicted this tragedy to me? His mind drifted, he thought had to be careful, he drove slowly, but why was it he had an accident? He had anticipated all this, but why is still also a disaster? He was doing good but why is it overwritten pain? Why has this happened? The tears flowed was slicing, rolling down her cheeks. His heart quivered, not strong to bear the burden of his life. At that moment he is completely destroyed, feel the vibration of God's affection toward him through the accident. God's love is present in children and his wife accompanied him faithfully while sinking. Amid the anger of the wife just be patient, feeding and listening to all complained kesahnya.

His health condition is getting better, his efforts have resumed to improve, on the other hand he and keluargnya actually closer to God and the children and his wife is more able to appreciate life to anything that bestowed by God. "Really Mas Agus, when no accident that I became a proud one. Think success is thanks to my hard work. And God only 'criticism' that's as small as I was helpless and I am grateful for the House Amalia middle of my slump and family feel the coolness and able to get through all this with the more closer to Allah, we can also share with many people experiencing pain like us, "he said in the House of Amalia, visible face of his wife and children smile full of happiness a sign of gratitude to God.

'And God did so to examine what is in your chest and to clean up what is in your heart. Allah knows the contents of Heart '(Surah Ali Imran: 154).
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Some Questions about the crucifixion of Christ

Part two months to April 2011 these Christians celebrate Christ's atonement for the sins of mankind. This is a typical belief in Christian teachings. Because typical, then many non-Christians who ask, and some even make the theory of denial, about the ins and outs of redemption. This paper attempts to provide some notes to the redemption of Christ. (Because the authors did not specifically explore the theory of religion, then there is no in-depth explanation.)

Why does man's sin must be redeemed? In the Book of Genesis tells Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit of Eden. This is the beginning of human sin. This gives some consequences of sin. First, people must get out of Eden and live in the world. Secondly, every human being who is born will inherit the sin of Adam and Eve. Third, people have to suffer in the world. Yet God still loves man, because man is the supreme creation. Even God redeem the sins of mankind. But on the other hand, people were given freedom to live in the world. Of course this freedom has consequences, that is a sin to violate the will of God.

Why does God have to sacrifice Jesus? God loves man more than any other creature. (Hence the authors do not agree when people say God is tempting to disasters, etc..) Lord then said, and Jesus was born into the world as a human. Jesus is 100% human and 100% God. He felt what he felt human. He also could ask for strength in God to make miracles. (About the mystery of the Incarnation, please ask the people who study theology.) Jesus is eventually going to die as a human. But he will rise from the realm of death. Awakening is the primary sign of God's victory over the sins of mankind.

Why did Jesus have to die? Sin causes death. Logically, if there are people who rose from the dead, then the power of sin to be no longer absolute. There is a way in which sin can be defeated. This is offered by Jesus.

Is it true that it was Jesus crucified? Right. The logic is simple: this theory has lasted nearly 2000 years. And this teaching still exists today. There is no other theory that is strong enough to refute the theory of Jesus' crucifixion.

What about the stories about Jesus in exchange etc? The story comes from ancient books that is spread by the followers of Judas and cons of Christian groups. Judas is the disciple who betrayed Jesus. According to retainers (Judaism), Jesus asked Judas to do "tasks." After the incident, Judas committed suicide. (Some claimed Judas died by accident.) But this understanding, that Jesus asked Judas to do "tasks," still survive. About Jesus in exchange, the story is actually less popular, and spread by those who oppose Christianity.

What about the evidence of an ancient book? Carnival of ancient books is at the beginning of the story of denial of the crucifixion of Jesus. Events of Jesus' crucifixion was a tremendous event. So there are many people who write it. (Cultural their writing when it has advanced. Indonesia 2,000 years later still lag.) There are a dig facts in ways that is true, but some are menjumput fact and fantasy flavored. Many people who write them, the followers of Jesus until that did not like the followers of Jesus. There are eyewitnesses who write directly, some were done by the second generation, there are also written more than 100 years later. So even though derived from an ancient book, but accuracy remains questionable. (For more information please ask the experts Church history.)

What is the difference the gospel with other ancient books? Actually Gospel grew with these ancient books. At that time there may be hundreds of books that tells the life of Jesus. Over time, Christian leaders began to sort through, where the book is worthy of use, which are not. Christians also increasingly crystallized so that the unity of teaching are also increasingly formed. (Maybe there is a kind of accreditation or recommendation of the books. It was later called canonization.) Selection scientific ensued. Book considered inaccurate and inconsistent with Christian faith will be eliminated. Selection is also done by the poets of the Church and Christianity academic groups. Selection is done dozens of times. Book that pass the selection is a book whose content is in line with the theology of Christianity, and its origin and accuracy can be accounted for. Other books may then be withdrawn from circulation and stored in the library.

Why now appears the Book of Jude, the Book of Mary Magdalene, etc.? The books were found long back in the early twentieth century. One of the places of the event was the Nag Hamadi. Discovery Channel then smelled the business in this invention. So they create a program of research to explore these ancient books. The results are then sold in the form of video documentaries and books.

How does the Church view of these ancient books? These ancient scriptures does not change anything. Because the process of canonization is complete.

Why do some publishing in Indonesia participated print these books? The answer is simple: because of money. People happy with controversial matters. So these books are later translated and printed in Indonesia. The people are not happy with Christianity, was also pleased, because they feel they have the ingredients to attack Christians. In fact they are actually victims of big business scenarios that exploit the controversy crucifixion of Jesus. They buy books, which most of them are old spices that have been known. Because really old books that are found, which is used as the basis for the publication, in a badly damaged condition, so the contents can not be justified.
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Education is not the Empty Glass Fill

Liberating education is not providing many lessons to their students until he mastered many sciences. Absolutely not. Like filling empty glasses of water fill the educational task of science so that the glass is full. When you are full, it failed education. Indeed, education is thus not a model of a free education.

When this happens, students will always be the object while the teacher who becomes the subject. Pupils have never asked what he needed and loved, but the education continues to provide what is judged necessary by the students is important. Pupils want to or not, like it or not, must accept and undergo the process of education provided by the educator or educational institution attended.

Liberating education is education provided to students in accordance with the development and potential of the students in order to grow and develop into an independent human. Indeed, only a free man can feel the happiness in life. This is essential in a free education. Language extreme, the result of a free education is better to be simple workers who are happy rather than scholars who always restless in his life.

Thus, noting the potential possessed by the students is something that should not be left in a free education. This is where really needed an educator who observant and can read at the same time the needs of potential possessed by every child protege. Thus, an educator can give what is needed by students in accordance with what they need. Indeed, students are not robots who are ready to be anything after going through the process of education.

Understanding the above, it is not only important for educators and those who engaged in the world of education. However, it is also important for every parent. There was a very loving child when the biological sciences in high school. The children want to continue studying at the department and faculty in accordance with the biological sciences. However, his father is an engineering graduate insisted that her son continue studying in the faculty of engineering. Thus, the child who does not want a child accused of disobedience to parents finally could only obey the wishes of the father.

At college, the boy who really did not like the faculty of engineering, can not learn well. This happens because the child does not have a love and passion for learning science techniques. When you have this, who actually is a victim? Many years the boy forced himself to learn the real science that he did not like it.

After struggling desperately complete college in engineering, the child was eventually passed with a value that is not so satisfactory. Already selesaikah suffering of the child? Apparently not. After graduating from the faculty of engineering, the children are forced by parents to work in an institution where his father worked there as an undergraduate engineering. Again, the child who previously has expressed disagreement with his father could only cry and eventually obey the will of the father a hard-nosed. Be the child working in an agency that really does not fit with the choice and its ideals.

Dear Readers, the story of the boy who forced his father to go to college and even to work in accordance with the will of their parents above all not just an illustration of this paper is lifted from an imaginary story. Indeed, the authors get the story straight from the child who has been working in an agency, which once again, outside keinginannnya. This is what the author intended not to place in our education.

Parents do get a mandate from God to educate their children to be good and righteous in Him. However, it does not mean can act arbitrarily according to the will of its own without hearing what the wishes of the child. Similarly with education, which in this case is a formal education in schools. Education institutions that are trusted by these people should also be able to find what is the wishes and aspirations of learners so as to develop education has collected with great enthusiasm and excitement with their students.

If education is still impose their students as empty glass, which will be filled in accordance with whatever the will of the people who serve and have policies in education, it will only result in human beings that are far from independent. They are printed only human to become industry players in the world of capitalism or the diverse interests of existing power.

In the education that is not free, students have never seen as a person who has the option and ability to be creative. Pupils regarded as an object that is ready to accept the passive line of argument of knowledge from a teacher. When you have this, then understanding, comprehension, and awareness of science provided a teacher to his student is not important anymore. The hallmark of this kind of education usually teaches his students to memorize rather than understand, the choice of closed rather than an essay, or copy and record than membahasakannya back in a way or let alone a new understanding.

Of course we do not want a model of education as such. We want a free education so that students can become more enlightened human beings. In a free education really appreciate the process rather than educational outcomes. Processes that occur in education undertaken with full awareness in order to gain an understanding of science is far more important than rote memorization would-science theory.

When referring to the thinking Freire, education is free education that fosters critical awareness that encourages students to have the ability to interpret the depth of the real problems in life. If it is so, according to Freire, education is also free to build the confidence students to address the situation that occurred. Therefore, in the educational process is considered more important than the outcome itself.

Thus, education is not equal to fill the empty glass students with meaningful science education that students appreciate how important the process. The process of learning is defined as the movement of a certain level of consciousness to a higher level of consciousness. It is important for students who undergo the process of learning to be more easily understand what is being learned, practiced, and has the attitude when faced with problems.
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Thankful That's reassuring

When disaster struck someone who was never suspected, making it sank, fell on my wound was sore at heart and without realized spoken, "Why did this happen?" Imagined life as a dream, we think life is a happy story until the end of life. When you ponder more deeply what you are facing right now is real life not a dream! Everything that happens in this life nothing is coincidence, everything has become the ordinance of God. "So why is all this happening to me? Do you think that you are decide this life? Do you think yourself is owned by yourself? You can determine what happened to you? So that you experience as you expect?"

We always thought that our life is a success thanks to the efforts and hard work that we do own so that we can be so sure that anything can happen when we are willing, so overwritten calamity that was never suspected, but thought we just awakened to how small we are in front of Khaliq . Terbayangkah to us what it's like a happy heart suddenly dihempas by suffering? What a sick and sore, fall down makes us weak helpless, heart crying 'why should now happen Ya Allah? Why did you give me this sore pain when I'm happy? Why not later when I'm ready? 'And if we feel the man a grace (favor) from Us and blessings that we pull out of it, surely he became more despairing ungrateful. " (Surah Hud: 9).

Often when we're in a state of happy hearts, we become carried away, forgot grateful, we forget to thank God who has delegated so much grace in our lives. "All the results I get now is not it from my hard work, this is all I got thanks to my efforts instead of someone else." That picture of when we are forgetting ourselves, when all that is in heaven and earth belongs to Allah. Successes and failures we are just a form of mercy. If we get the success that makes us happy is the love of God and if we get a failure to make us suffer from it also a form of love of God to us. So, whatever the gift of God we must thank God because the only way how we get the perfect blessing and mercy of God. So, be grateful that reassure us.

'And it will We give a trial to you with something of fear, hunger, lack of wealth, lives and fruits. And give glad tidings to those who wait. That is, people who when they say the disaster stricken 'Inna wa lillaahi innaa ilaihi raajiuun'. (Indeed we belong to God and to Him we return.) Those who get a perfect blessing and mercy from their Lord and they are the ones who get a clue. " (Surah al-Baqarah: 155-157).
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