When disaster struck someone who was never suspected, making it sank, fell on my wound was sore at heart and without realized spoken, "Why did this happen?" Imagined life as a dream, we think life is a happy story until the end of life. When you ponder more deeply what you are facing right now is real life not a dream! Everything that happens in this life nothing is coincidence, everything has become the ordinance of God. "So why is all this happening to me? Do you think that you are decide this life? Do you think yourself is owned by yourself? You can determine what happened to you? So that you experience as you expect?"
We always thought that our life is a success thanks to the efforts and hard work that we do own so that we can be so sure that anything can happen when we are willing, so overwritten calamity that was never suspected, but thought we just awakened to how small we are in front of Khaliq . Terbayangkah to us what it's like a happy heart suddenly dihempas by suffering? What a sick and sore, fall down makes us weak helpless, heart crying 'why should now happen Ya Allah? Why did you give me this sore pain when I'm happy? Why not later when I'm ready? 'And if we feel the man a grace (favor) from Us and blessings that we pull out of it, surely he became more despairing ungrateful. " (Surah Hud: 9).
Often when we're in a state of happy hearts, we become carried away, forgot grateful, we forget to thank God who has delegated so much grace in our lives. "All the results I get now is not it from my hard work, this is all I got thanks to my efforts instead of someone else." That picture of when we are forgetting ourselves, when all that is in heaven and earth belongs to Allah. Successes and failures we are just a form of mercy. If we get the success that makes us happy is the love of God and if we get a failure to make us suffer from it also a form of love of God to us. So, whatever the gift of God we must thank God because the only way how we get the perfect blessing and mercy of God. So, be grateful that reassure us.
'And it will We give a trial to you with something of fear, hunger, lack of wealth, lives and fruits. And give glad tidings to those who wait. That is, people who when they say the disaster stricken 'Inna wa lillaahi innaa ilaihi raajiuun'. (Indeed we belong to God and to Him we return.) Those who get a perfect blessing and mercy from their Lord and they are the ones who get a clue. " (Surah al-Baqarah: 155-157).
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