Part two months to April 2011 these Christians celebrate Christ's atonement for the sins of mankind. This is a typical belief in Christian teachings. Because typical, then many non-Christians who ask, and some even make the theory of denial, about the ins and outs of redemption. This paper attempts to provide some notes to the redemption of Christ. (Because the authors did not specifically explore the theory of religion, then there is no in-depth explanation.)
Why does man's sin must be redeemed? In the Book of Genesis tells Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit of Eden. This is the beginning of human sin. This gives some consequences of sin. First, people must get out of Eden and live in the world. Secondly, every human being who is born will inherit the sin of Adam and Eve. Third, people have to suffer in the world. Yet God still loves man, because man is the supreme creation. Even God redeem the sins of mankind. But on the other hand, people were given freedom to live in the world. Of course this freedom has consequences, that is a sin to violate the will of God.
Why does God have to sacrifice Jesus? God loves man more than any other creature. (Hence the authors do not agree when people say God is tempting to disasters, etc..) Lord then said, and Jesus was born into the world as a human. Jesus is 100% human and 100% God. He felt what he felt human. He also could ask for strength in God to make miracles. (About the mystery of the Incarnation, please ask the people who study theology.) Jesus is eventually going to die as a human. But he will rise from the realm of death. Awakening is the primary sign of God's victory over the sins of mankind.
Why did Jesus have to die? Sin causes death. Logically, if there are people who rose from the dead, then the power of sin to be no longer absolute. There is a way in which sin can be defeated. This is offered by Jesus.
Is it true that it was Jesus crucified? Right. The logic is simple: this theory has lasted nearly 2000 years. And this teaching still exists today. There is no other theory that is strong enough to refute the theory of Jesus' crucifixion.
What about the stories about Jesus in exchange etc? The story comes from ancient books that is spread by the followers of Judas and cons of Christian groups. Judas is the disciple who betrayed Jesus. According to retainers (Judaism), Jesus asked Judas to do "tasks." After the incident, Judas committed suicide. (Some claimed Judas died by accident.) But this understanding, that Jesus asked Judas to do "tasks," still survive. About Jesus in exchange, the story is actually less popular, and spread by those who oppose Christianity.
What about the evidence of an ancient book? Carnival of ancient books is at the beginning of the story of denial of the crucifixion of Jesus. Events of Jesus' crucifixion was a tremendous event. So there are many people who write it. (Cultural their writing when it has advanced. Indonesia 2,000 years later still lag.) There are a dig facts in ways that is true, but some are menjumput fact and fantasy flavored. Many people who write them, the followers of Jesus until that did not like the followers of Jesus. There are eyewitnesses who write directly, some were done by the second generation, there are also written more than 100 years later. So even though derived from an ancient book, but accuracy remains questionable. (For more information please ask the experts Church history.)
What is the difference the gospel with other ancient books? Actually Gospel grew with these ancient books. At that time there may be hundreds of books that tells the life of Jesus. Over time, Christian leaders began to sort through, where the book is worthy of use, which are not. Christians also increasingly crystallized so that the unity of teaching are also increasingly formed. (Maybe there is a kind of accreditation or recommendation of the books. It was later called canonization.) Selection scientific ensued. Book considered inaccurate and inconsistent with Christian faith will be eliminated. Selection is also done by the poets of the Church and Christianity academic groups. Selection is done dozens of times. Book that pass the selection is a book whose content is in line with the theology of Christianity, and its origin and accuracy can be accounted for. Other books may then be withdrawn from circulation and stored in the library.
Why now appears the Book of Jude, the Book of Mary Magdalene, etc.? The books were found long back in the early twentieth century. One of the places of the event was the Nag Hamadi. Discovery Channel then smelled the business in this invention. So they create a program of research to explore these ancient books. The results are then sold in the form of video documentaries and books.
How does the Church view of these ancient books? These ancient scriptures does not change anything. Because the process of canonization is complete.
Why do some publishing in Indonesia participated print these books? The answer is simple: because of money. People happy with controversial matters. So these books are later translated and printed in Indonesia. The people are not happy with Christianity, was also pleased, because they feel they have the ingredients to attack Christians. In fact they are actually victims of big business scenarios that exploit the controversy crucifixion of Jesus. They buy books, which most of them are old spices that have been known. Because really old books that are found, which is used as the basis for the publication, in a badly damaged condition, so the contents can not be justified.
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