Wednesday, April 20, 2011

9 Facts Sciences

Sustainable exploration science has made ​​many interesting facts about it. Science is something that complicated and complex. Scientists have managed to reveal many secrets of nature through science but leaves many unresolved mysteries. Although science has helped to find answers to some questions that have been bothering us for years, this may not be able to simplify the complexity of the universe as a whole. Here are nine Facts Sciences have been found.
1. Blood vessels are an important part of the human circulatory system that serves the blood flow throughout the body. If blood vessels are made to put the distance from end to end, the length will orbit Earth twice with stretching up to a distance of about 100,000 kilometers.
2. The human brain which is the core of the central nervous system and is the most dahysat Masterpiece of God in humans, can process as many as 70. 000 thoughts a day.
3. Seahorses reproduce in strange ways. sea ​​horse jantanlah who experience pregnancy and childbirth descent. A male seahorse can give birth to approximately two thousand seeds at a particular time. A pregnancy lasts for about two to four weeks. When about to birth, male sea horses contracted muscle to remove the offspring from his pocket.
4. Polar bears can run about 25 kilometers per hour and jump as high as 6 feet into the air. Polar bear fur consists of thick-fur lining and outer layer is covered by hair. Guard hairs appear in shades of transparent white. The feathers are transparent to make the polar bear is almost invisible in infrared light.
5. Venus, the second closest planet to the Sun continues to arouse interest of many scientists for many years after the discovery. This is a bright object in the night sky. Interestingly, Venus orbits the Sun in a clockwise direction, while the other planets rotate counterclockwise. A curious fact of the orbital Venus is that it reaches the point closest to the Earth every 584 days.
6. Cycle tropical heat energy released at the 5-20 level exajoules per day. This is the energy release rate which came about 200 times the capacity of electrical energy produced. The level of energy released was equivalent to that issued by the explosion of one megaton nuclear bomb every 20 minutes-10.
7. Foetus in foetu is a rare disorder that refers to the phenomenon of fetal body trapped inside its twin. The fetus continues to grow as parasites in the body, sucking the blood supply of the body is making it grow so big and started to jeopardize the parent body, the medical effort is needed to address this surgically.
8. Bamboo trees in the category group of green plants. Interestingly, giant bamboo species including the largest member of the grass family. Bamboo is the fastest growing timber plant in the world. Some species of bamboo achieve amazing growth rate 3-4 meters per day.
9. Coffee is the drink most of human daily life. But did you know that a cup of coffee contains more than 1000 chemical substances?

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